Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012


WHY ???????????? It's not about me, it's not about you. It's about the place we stay in, the society we live in, the systems we have!! *I often wonder* when a mosquito bites us why do I think of a repellant, why a coil or hit why don't I have the courage to question my municipality? *Why do I buy* water in a bottle? Why do I purify water at my home? Does the water bill say that the tap water is only for washing clothes or having a bath? Why don't I get drinking water in my tap? *Why should I pay* a toll tax on every single black, nice looking road? Why a basic road is not my right? *Why do I buy* an inverter or dream of a generator? Why don't I get current in my wires? *Why do we call* the private schools as public schools.. I always thought schools run by the government should be called public schools!! *Why- the cricketer* who sold the ethics of game sits in parliaments or come as experts on channels? *Why someone known* for beating his wife and had charges of holding drugs is a celebrity to judge dance shows and all of us watch and clap too. *Why is it that the* so called high profile tainted journalists still run public shows and we all watch it.. *Why don't I know* the fine on jumping red light or for not wearing a helmet but am very well aware of power of 100 rupees, the cost of duty of most of the traffic guys across the country.. *Why is a girl raped* in a roaming car in the capital of the country almost every month and all that the government says is that girls should be careful.. *Why does the trial* and judgment of social activists just takes a few weeks but Raja, Raju, Reddy roams around !! *Why even after killing hundreds* of people on road the blue line buses remained on roads? Do you know any city apart from the capital of your country where the city buses crushed people on a daily basis? *Why didn't we come on the roads* when someone made elephants of stones for thousands of crores rupees in U.P. where people still dig pits to sleep or die of hunger? *Why a tainted, corrupt minister* is called to IIM and Academy for IAS and applauded – unstopped on his desi style ? Its so easy to call someone corrupt but have you ever thought; *The act of bribe starts by giving not by taking* ..it starts from me not from him or her.. so why don't I look at myself first ? I strongly believe that the *Logic is always for NOT doing something.. Doing does not need logic,* *doers don't believe in logics!!* Just a couple of years back some people came and played with us, killed our pride and people. We were angry.. some people thought that the attack in Mumbai was on rich people and therefore something would change.. Nothing happened.. we all go to gateway of India on every anniversary in November, burn some wax, sing some songs and come back. Nothing changes- the government is back, Z security is back and people are back at the Gateway of India… *It's time to come out, stand up*...move.. do something.. Sitting in drawing rooms or discussing over a mug of beer will not solve anything.. *Please remember this country does not need thinkers any more, enough of them.. what you need is action..*


Lovely Thoughts About Life A short walk is so difficult, when no one walks with you. But a long journey is just like few steps when you walk with someone who loves and cares for you. We always look and care for the person whom we love the most. But we fail to look back at those who love us the most. Death’s not the greatest loss in life.. The greatest loss is when relationships die inside us while we are still alive... Life is not about the people who act true on your face.. Its about the people who remain true behind your back.. Time decides whom you meet in life… Your heart decides whom you want in life.. but your behavious decides who will stay in your life... You can win life by all means.. Yes.. If you simply avoid two things... 1. Comparing - with others 2. Expecting - from other Life will be more beautiful!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


11 proven ways to gain unstoppable confidence #1 - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Those who know are ultimately much more confident in any arena than those shrouded in ignorance. Use your spare time to read up on the things that interest you, on the things that you are curious about, and build up a solid base of knowledge and critical thinking. The more you know, the more sure of yourself you will be in any situation. #2 - EXPERIENCE Uncertainty is the biggest drain on your self-confidence. Succumbing to doubt ensures you will never believe in yourself. The more often you do something, the more certain you become. With certainty comes confidence. #3 - CARE-FREE ATTITUDE Try to walk through your day with as easy and care-free of an attitude as you can muster, because someone who is it ease with him or herself is someone who is confident. Build unstoppable confidence by not getting hung up on the petty issues and minor irritations that help wear you down. #4 - HONEST SELF-ASSESSMENT Take stock of yourself. Brainstorm for a bit and compose a list of your good qualities and bad, the things you excel at and the things you need to improve upon, and once you have a clear picture of yourself much of the uncertainty that breeds doubt will wash away. #5 - ANALYZE Take the time to properly think through every problem, and the confidence in your skills will grow. #6 - BE THOROUGH Try to be as complete and thorough at every task you attempt . Completing tasks builds confidence in your ability to always see projects through to their proper conclusion . #7 - IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITS, AND EXCEED THEM Once you have assessed yourself, make a list of goals you wish to accomplish, and get to work. You now know your true limits, so the only thing left to do is push beyond them and set your sights on new frontiers. #8 - BE OPEN TO HELPING OTHERS Don't close yourself off to friends, acquaintances and coworkers. The more you put yourself out there in business and social situations, the more quickly you will build confidence in your ability to navigate these sometimes tricky waters. #9 - COMPOSE YOURSELF Dress well, groom yourself, compose your identity as a person who is well put together, and you will feel confident when meeting new people and doing new things. #10 - BE DECISIVE While it is okay to take time to analyze and think situations through, the time comes when you must be decisive and act. Decisive people are confident; not confident people are decisive. #11 BE COMPLETE Know yourself fully, wash away your own doubts about yourself, your identity and your capabilities, and present every aspect of yourself in every situation and you will have no reason to doubt your confidence. Become your full, real self. A lot of confidence building techniques simply do not work. I've tried everything out there and studied confident people to see what makes them who they are. Continue reading this article for the top 11 traits you can develop to build strong self-confidence that attracts the people, job, and pleasures of life you want.

Now, Erase Scary Memories without Drugs

Now, Erase Scary Memories without Drugs Reactivating A Memory Opens Up A 6-Hr Window When It Can Be Permanently Edited: Experts Chicago: US researchers have found a drug-free way to block fearful memories, opening up the possibility of new treatment approaches for problems such as post traumatic stress disorder, they reported. The findings in people build on studies in rats that showed that reactivating a memory — by showing people objects that stimulate the fearful memory — opens up a specific time window in which the memory can be edited before it is stored again. “Before memories are stored, there is a period where they are susceptible to being disrupted,” said Elizabeth Phelps of New York University, whose study appears in the journal Nature. Earlier studies have shown that drugs can be used to block fearful memories, but the results were not long lasting. Phelps and colleagues based their studies on findings in rats that showed that old memories can be changed or reconsolidated, but only during a specific window time after the rat is reminded of the fearful memory. That window of susceptibility is typically between 10 minutes after re-exposure to the object to 6 hours later, when the memory stored once again in the brain. The researchers applied these findings to people in a lab setting. First, they created a fearful memory by showing the volunteers a blue square, and then delivering a mild shock. Once they had created the fear memory, they simply showed a blue square, which reminded them of the fear memory. The team waited 10 minutes and then started a training period where the volunteers were repeatedly exposed to the blue square without a shock. Phelps said simply delaying the exposure training so that it falls within a period during which the memory is susceptible to being edited made a lasting difference in the ability to block the fear memory. A second group that was exposed to the blue square without the 10-minute waiting period, continued to show fear when exposed to the blue square. When they brought people back a year later, the group that got the training showed no fear response — tracked by changes in the skin — when exposed to the blue square, while other volunteers continued to have a fear response. Phelps said the important aspect of the study is the time window. “What we think is happening is because we did it at the right time, you are restoring the memory as safe as opposed to just creating a new memory that competes with the old memory,” Phelps said on Wednesday. She said the findings are the first of their type in humans, and she cautioned that the findings cannot be immediately applied to people with severe anxiety problems, such as post traumatic stress disorder.


You have found my heart here Kindly please step through Garden of great wonder Created just for you I am so glad to see you I want to give you rest Speak about the joyous things All things that you love best No time here for crying No time for feeling sad Flowers here are happy They truly are so glad Perking up to sunshine Feeling special light These the things I offer That fills the heart's delight Worries at the threshold They'll keep a few days more Today you are here for happiness There's so much at this door Colors of a rainbow With flowers that will bow Just because you walked this way They're perky and so proud Looking up to heaven Heaving a great sigh Happy that you've passed them Here's the reason why You touch them with a beauty Their velvet soft with mist Delightfully enchanted Their petals have been kissed.


Hinduism & Nature Nature and Hinduism are so entwined that it is quite impossible to think about one without the other. The need for an ecological balance is stressed in the Vedas and Upanishads and this message is repeated in the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita, Puranas and in the messages of Hindu saints. Mother Nature is worshipped in Hindu religion. But for majority of Hindus, worship is confined to temples and homes and thus they are equal contributors in global warming, pollution and emissions. Here are a few thoughts which ancient seers of Sanatana Dharma had shared more than 5000 years ago regarding the importance of nature and majority of them are highly relevant today. One should not destroy the trees. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-48-17) Plants are mothers and Goddesses. (Rig Veda Samhita x-97-4) Trees are homes and mansions. (Rig Veda Samhita x-97-5) Sacred grass has to be protected from man's exploitation (Rig Veda Samhita vii-75-8) Plants and waters are treasures for generations. (Rig Veda Samhita vii-70-4) Earth, in which lie the sea, the river and other waters, in which food and cornfields have come to be, in which lives all that breathes and that moves, may she confer on us the finest of her yield. Earth, in which the waters, common to all, moving on all sides, flow unfailingly, day and night, may she pour on us milk in many streams, and endow us with lustre. (From the Atharva Veda - Hymn to the Earth - Bhumi-Sukta) May those born of thee, O Earth, be for our welfare, free from sickness and waste, wakeful through a long life, we shall become bearers of tribute to thee. Earth my mother, set me securely with bliss in full accord with heaven, O wise one, uphold me in grace and splendor. (From the Atharva Veda - Hymn to the Earth - Bhumi-Sukta) Earth, atmosphere, sky, sun, moon, stars, waters, plants, trees, moving creatures, swimming creatures, creeping creatures all are hailed and offered oblations. (Taittiriya Samhita i-8-13) One should protect the habitation. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-71-3) Waters as friends of man give full protection to his progenies. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-50-7) One shall take care of quadrupeds. (Taittiriya Samhita iv-4-10) One shall be auspicious to animals. (Taittiriya Samhita ii-3-14) One shall not find fault with animals. (Chandogya Upanishad ii-18-2) Waters represent splendor. (Atharva Veda Samhita iii-13-5) Waters bear off all defilements and cleanse people. (Vajasaneya Samhita iv-2) Whoever injures the essence of food, kine or steeds is a robber who sinks both himself and his offspring into destruction. (Rig Veda Samhita vii-104-10) Offerings are dedicated to waters of wells, pools, clefts, holes, lakes, morasses, ponds, tanks, marshes, rains, rime, streams, rivers and ocean. (Taittiriya Samhita vii-4-13) There was only water in the beginning. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad v-5-1) Waters and herbs should have no poison. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-39-5) Waters are to be freed from defilement. (Atharva Veda Samhita x-5-24) Waters cleanse humanity from the evil of pollution committed by it. (Atharva Veda Samhita xii-2-40) Waters are healing and they strengthen one to see great joy. (Taittiriya Samhita vii-4-19) The Mahabharata says that 'even if there is only one tree full of flowers and fruits in a village, that place becomes worthy of worship and respect.’ ‘No religion, perhaps, lays as much emphasis on environmental ethics as does Hinduism. It believes in ecological responsibility and says like Native Americans that the Earth is our mother. It champions protection of animals, which it considers also have souls, and promotes vegetarianism. It has a strong tradition of non-violence or ahimsa. It believes that God is present in all nature, in all creatures, and in every human being regardless of their faith or lack of it.’ Dr. David Frawley We Hindus are always proud to hear others praise our culture. We publish them, discuss them in social circles but rarely follow the unparalleled teachings in our scriptures. Lord Ganesha, Holy Cow, Worship of Mountains, Worship of Nagas (Snakes), Tulsi and the numerous other plants and animals that form part of Hindu worship are nothing but messages incorporated by wise Hindu Saints to teach us that we humans are part of nature and not outside it and above it. The Hindu concept of Brahman, the Supreme Soul, suggests that all animate and inanimate and all born and yet to be born are part of Brahman. Therefore an imbalance in a particular part will affect all other parts. The Supreme Being then finds out a method to transform that defective part. Since Brahman is present in all, it is easy to transform. And we humans might term such a transformation as the End or Death or total annihilation. For the Supreme Soul, it is a small repair work carried out by a minute virus. Mother Nature is not dependent on Human Beings but Human Beings are. Ancient Seers knew it and therefore they worshiped Nature. Modern Humans termed it as animism and replaced it with more refined worships. And the result of such a refined worship ... ‘In our arrogance and ignorance we have destroyed the environment of this planet. We have polluted the oceans, we have made the air unbreathable, we have desecrated nature and decimated wildlife. But the Vedantic seers knew that man was not something apart from nature, and, therefore, they constantly exhort us that, while we work for own salvation, we must also work for the welfare of all beings.’ Karan Singh Only a people’s movement can save the earth from destruction. We are armed with wise teachings of our saints. Now what we need is its implementation.


Life is care! Life is freedom! Life is peace! Life is art! Life is a fairy tale! Life is a mystery! Life is delight! Life is splendour! Life is nature! Life is beautiful!


Jealousy, cattiness are the worst enemies of girl power. Rouge asks if it's time to let go of feelings of resentment against each other IT'S ALWAYS a woman who pulls another woman down. Why haven't we learnt our lessons? Why do women let jealousy get in the way of friendship? Believe it or not, Keira Knightley is jealous of other women's legs. Paris Hilton believes that Nicole Richie is 'jealous' of her and that's the reason for their sour relationship. So heartbroken, Paris even wrote a song 'Jealousy' for her ex-girlfriend: I was always happy, When I was watching you become a star, But you were only happy, When the world was openin' up my scars… Fact is, we need to create a new 'calm power' at our workplace, where women change the social landscape from one of competition to cooperation. 'We don't need to pull other women down' SONALIKA SAHAY, model "It is true, women are generally interested in knowing what other female friends are doing. But I guess it's in their nature, they can't help it. It brings women some kind of joy to see another woman's downfall. But those are only 'socalled' friends not the real ones. I guess there's need for 21st-century girl power not one-upmanship, we don't need to pull other women down. We should concentrate positive energies on ourselves rather than getting jealous. It's better to see how far you can go ahead in life rather than waiting for your friends to fall badly. Things won't change overnight but gradually." 'Vanity, thy name is woman' SHIBANI KASHYAP, singer "When I was in school and I used to participate in competitions, I realised that my own dear girlfriends are competing with me; they wanted to win at any cost. They were not my true friends, they were my competitors. Now, in the music industry, I get negative vibes from other female singers, who are not happy to see me climb the ladder of success. If you are very good looking, your friends get jealous. But I believe that it's all in the mind, if you are mature and sensible enough then you won't ever let something as small as jealousy harm your relationship." 'Never mix your business and friendship' ROSHNI CHOPRA, TV actor "Jealousy is very normal especially in the working environment. The one thing that I've learnt in my professional life is that you should never mix business and friendship. You won't be able to find true friends in the place where you are working. Particularly with female friends, they can get jealous of anything and everything, so it's much better to have just cordial relationship and nothing more. Possessiveness to what you have achieved and insecurities result in jealousy. The worst can be a friend of yours 'hitting on your husband', that's the end of friendship for me. Women can't stop competing with other women, that's the rule of the game and it goes on and on." 'Jealousy is normal, just another human trait' TINA CHATWAL, model "In this competitive world, jealousy is normal, it is just another human trait. I think if jealousy is equal from both sides, then the relationship will soon die. But why should jealousy take over your relationship. Take for example, in my industry, each model should let her talent and work speak for her. Women should create their own identity rather than indulging in cat fights, that's so immature! There's so much to do in life than thinking bad about others. Women should rise above all this nonsense." 'Jealousy is part of the game' SOPHIE, VJ "Wherever there's competition -- be it based on work, looks, lifestyle, money or anything, jealousy creeps in. What I've gathered from my experience all these years is, that you can't find loyal girlfriends in your workplace. You won't ever be able to give 100% in a friendship; you will always be cautious and insecure. In this glamour industry, people are always trying to pull me down. I believe, your hard work and dedication will make you come out as a winner. Women get jealous very easily; even your decent lifestyle can get on their nerves very quickly. Accept it; jealousy is part of the game."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to talk to girl

Call him a child prodigy, but nine-year-old Alec Greven from Colorado is certainly an artist in his own right – he has authored America’s latest self-help book that is now set to become a major Hollywood film How To Talk To Girls. At eight years of age, Alec and his fellow pupils at the Soaring Hawk Elementary School in Castle Rock were asked to write an essay about something they had observed about ordinary life. And it was then that he chose to explore the perils of boys trying to win the attention of girls in the playground, and offered some tips for success. “Boys have a lot of trouble with crushes. I wanted to help the boys with crushes. But I also wanted to say there is a girl for every boy and don’t give up and don’t think girls are gross. They are just girls,” a website quoted him as saying in an interview. And this ‘pint-sized pickup artist’, as he’s popularly called gave some extraordinary nuggets of wisdom, that include combing your hair, cutting down on sugar (to avoid being too hyper), and knowing that while 73 per cent of girls ditch boys, 98 per cent of pretty girls do it. The pretty ones are “like cars that need a lot of oil”. However, it was his teachers who played a major role behind his success – they were so tickled by the essay that they suggested Alec turn it into a stapled pamphlet, which he could sell at the school’s book fair. And soon, the media had got the inkling of the rage the pamphlet had become, and comedian and talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres invited the boy genius on her show. From there Geven set off to a course towards stardom which culminated first in his essay being released as a hardback book. And it was announced this week that a production house had signed the six-figure movie deal. And now, men of all ages can take something from his pages. Some of the facts in the book include: Never seem too keen. “Girls don’t like desperate boys,” he writes. Highlight your best side: “You can also show off a skill, like playing soccer or anything else you’re good at.” If you are spurned, don’t mope: “Sometimes, you get a girl to like you, then she ditches you,” our young romance guru notes. “Life is hard, move on! Or sometimes it just doesn’t work out. I had a crush on a girl in preschool. Then my family had to move, so I had to let her wash out of my mind.”