Monday, July 19, 2010

Intuition exercise

Getting practical – Exercises in developing your intuition
This is a great exercise to help you to activate and connect with your own intuition. Start by choosing 5 people in your life – from the past or present:
Someone you adore
Someone you find really good fun
Someone who you find uninteresting
Someone who has upset you
Someone who has brought happiness or something good to your life
Take each person individually and spend a few minutes picturing them in your mind, imagine talking to them and think about your experiences together. Pay particular attention to:
How you are replaying these memories and how they make you feel
Notice where the sensations are in your body and really tap into the feelings this person creates when they are near you
Are there any emotions present? You should try to categorize them as best you can. For example, rather than just feeling ‘good’, ask yourself is this feeling joy, love, happiness, excitement? This will help you better recognise the feeling in the future
Are there any physical reactions associated: are you automatically smiling? What is your physiology like? Any areas of your body tingling or feeling more relaxed or tense? Do you feel heavy or light?
Capture anything that comes to mind as you work on increasing the awareness of how your body feels when you think of each person, this is the first stage of connecting with your intuition. The next step is to practice it. The next time you are in a room full of people just scan the room and allow your impressions to guide you and consider:
Who are you drawn to?
What do you feel?
Who do you feel wary of?
Simply take the impressions and trust them. Use your intuition to pickup peoples vibrations compared to your own, their inner being and what you need to know about them to help you decide how to interact with them.
Once you have switched on your intuitive antennae you can keep a track of the signals they give you and build a strong sense of what they mean for you. What you are actually picking up are the subtle vibrations and energies that everything emits. After a while, using your antennae will become second nature, a process out of consciousness again and you will easily make use of the latent power within your own mind as you develop in all areas of life.

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