Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I, the Penis, hereby request a raise in salary for the following reasons: I do physical labor. I work at great depths. I plunge headfirst into everything I do. I do not get weekends or public holidays off. I work in a damp environment. I work in a dark workplace that has poor ventilation. I work in high temperatures. My work exposes me to contagious diseases. Sincerely, P. Niss The Response Dear Penis: After assessing your request, and considering the arguments you have raised, the administration rejects your request for the following reasons: You do not work 8 hours straight. You fall asleep after brief work periods. You do not always follow the orders of the management team. You do not stay in your designated area and are often seen visiting other locations. You do not take initiative - you need to be pressured and stimulated in order to start working. You leave the workplace rather messy at the end of your shift. You don't always observe necessary safety regulations, such as wearing the Correct protective clothing. You will retire well before you are 65. You are unable to work double shifts. You sometimes leave your designated work area before you have completed the assigned task.. And if that were not all, you have been seen constantly entering and exiting the workplace carrying two suspicious-looking bags. Sincerely, V. Gina


The Guest House by Rumi This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.


Better Than Networking Networking can be a waste of time...or it can be the most profitable activity you ever do. But it all starts with your approach. Are you being RE-active or PRO-active? Today's guest essay shows you the right choice. Craig Ballantyne People respect people that are sure of themselves. Don't be wishy-washy. Be polite, confident, and clear. Treat others with respect, but don't be afraid to stand for what you believe in. "There is something deep within us that responds to those who level with us, who don't suggest or compromise for us." - Susan Scott, Fierce Leadership Becoming Friends with Your Heroes By Steve Sjuggerud "You're so lucky Steve... you've gotten to meet and work with all these famous guys..." When I hear that, I usually say something like, "Yeah, it's hard to believe... I have been pretty fortunate!" and I leave it at that. But the truth is much different... It's NOT luck. It's NOT good fortune. There's a secret to doing what I've done. And I will share it with you today... Maybe there is a bit of "luck" involved... But it didn't happen without me putting myself in luck's "line of fire." Let me give you an example of what I mean... A while back, I knew I was going to have the chance to shake hands with one of my heroes. When I met him, I could have just said, "Uh, gee, it's nice to meet you. I'm a big fan." But that would have been a missed opportunity. Instead, I spent a few days thinking before I met him... I came up with a plan to make an impact - to give him a chance to want to get to know me... I got out a 3x5 notecard. And I wrote out what I called "12 Ways to Take Over Your Industry." I included my name, phone number, and e-mail address. When I shook his hand, I smiled and I handed him the card. And that was that... He could have easily thrown the card away. He could have thought, "Who is this joker?" He could have taken my suggestions, but still never bothered contacting me. For any number of reasons, he could have ignored me. Instead, he reached out to me. In the end, he tried all of my dozen ideas, except one. Now, when he wants a second opinion on something (from outside of his corporate "yes" men), he sends me an e-mail or gives me a call. And he has included me in events around the world and in his decisions that I've been grateful and flattered to be a part of. The best part to me is that I can call a hero of mine a friend as well. That didn't happen because I'm "lucky." It happened because of this simple secret. There are two parts to it: Whenever there is any moment - any crack in the door to put your foot in to meet your hero - you must shove your foot in, and not let it out. You must find a way to give a big benefit to your hero without asking anything in return. Then you're off. At that point, you have done your best to kick off a potential legitimate friendship. I have often had to create these moments. Usually, they don't just happen. For example, this year, I ended up on the phone with another hero of mine. He said: "Next time you're in Nashville, give me a call and we can get together." Look, I'm NEVER in Nashville, but I went to Nashville that week. (I re-routed a flight to have a long layover there.) I made it happen when the opportunity was there. And it was a fantastic few hours. Another hero of mine is now a friend of mine, too. Most of the time, it doesn't work out this way. But it's 100% worth trying. Your downside risk is a little "wasted" effort. Your upside is a legitimate friendship with one of your heroes. That's worth it to me! You can do it. You have to get creative to create the opportunity. You have to offer something that benefits your hero. And you have to do it without asking anything in return. You have to create your "luck." It has worked for me. I have been able to get close to many of my heroes - both in business and in my hobbies. And I believe it can work for you, too. How cool is it to have your heroes as your friends? Ju


The best advice I can give you if you want a great deal on a diamond jewelry piece is to wait till the summer. Sales are at their lowest of the year then and jewelers offer deeply discounted sales to move product. But since most people buy these gorgeous jewels this time of year I thought it important to tell you how you can still save money. I've got a lot to tell you, so let's get going! First off, remember the four C's to get a good deal on diamond jewelry. Carat, color, clarity and cut are four characteristics that determine a diamond's quality and price. Understanding these grades before you make a purchase will end up saving you money. 1) Carat Carat refers to the weight of the diamond. The more it weighs, the more it costs. And just like some other things, size does matter. Don't stress if you can't afford the very enviable one carat diamond ring. There is a little white lie I am going to tell you to save you big bucks and keep you from getting in trouble with sweetie. Actually you are going to tell the white lie, but don't worry no one will be able to catch you in it. The price of a diamond rises substantially at each carat mark. One carat costs a lot more than a 0.95 carat. Visually no one can tell the difference between the two. They will look like the same size to the naked eye. Look for rings that contain stones that are a tiny bit under the mark. For example buy a .45 carat diamond ring instead of a half carat one. Once the stone is mounted the difference will be negligible in terms of looks, but you will notice the savings in the price. 2) Color Although most diamonds appear colorless, jewelers refer to most diamonds as a shade of the color white. They rate them on a scale from D to Z, with D being the highest grade and Z being the lowest grade. Colorless diamonds are very rare and are rated on the high end of the scale. They reflect the most light and are therefore the most sparkly. The less color a diamond has, the more it costs. The farther down the scale you go, the more color the diamond will have. Color is an area where you can skimp to save a lot of money. Choose a ring with an H or lower grade. They will still look glittery and sparkly but the price will drop at least 30 percent from that of a D, E or F rated stone. Anything higher than an H or an I grade is for someone who has a lot of extra money. 3) Clarity A diamond's clarity refers to its blemishes or inclusions as jewelers say. If you want to save money, color and clarity are the two best characteristics to compromise quality on. Mostly because you won't be able to tell with the naked eye that they are any less brilliant than higher quality stones. Jewelers rate a diamond's clarity on an 11 grade scale. Grades range from F to I3, with F being the high end. F stands for Flawless; it is an extremely rare diamond that even most jewelers never see. Then it goes to IF which means internally flawless. The next two grades are VVS1 and VVS2, which stands for Very, Very Slightly Included (remember included means blemishes). Then you have VS1 and VS2 which means Very Slightly Included. Next you have SI1 and SI2 and on down the line to the lowest clarity grades of I1, I2 and I3. A jeweler will try to tell you otherwise but diamonds can still look luminous below the six highest grades. Stones graded SI1 and SI2 mean that there are inclusions visible under ten times magnification, but will appear unflawed to the naked eye. They will save you a bundle and no one will be any wiser. The point of a diamond piece of jewelry isn't to produce a return on investment, only to look fabulous. 4) Cut All the research I did on diamonds said this is the area where you don't want to cut corners. That's because the cut has a huge influence on the diamonds sparkle and brilliance. The more light a diamond reflects the higher it's perceived value is. Jewelers rate a diamonds cut on a 5 point scale. It goes from Excellent to Very Good to Good to Fair and ends with Poor. A diamond rated "very good" or "excellent" will cost about 10 percent more than a "good" stone. From the top to the bottom of the scale expect to see about a 50 percent difference in price. It's important to mention that cut is not the same as shape. Cut is how well the shape is cut, including proportions, finish and symmetry. The shape refers to the contour of the stone. It can be a round, pear, marquise, princess, emerald, square, oval or heart shaped diamond. A round shaped diamond is the most popular and perhaps not coincidentally the most expensive. To save money opt for an oval, marquise or pear cut, which carry more of the carat weight at the top, thereby appearing larger. Brand Name vs Generic The four C's are not the only characteristics that influence price. Where you buy your bauble makes a difference in price too. Just like at the grocery store, brand names cost more. Tiffany & Co. has its "Lucida" stones and Kay Jewelers advertises the "Leo Diamond." These brand names drive up the price 15-20 percent more than a generic diamond with the same attributes. Buying jewelry from brand name stores like Tiffany's can also affect the price. That little blue box will cost you thousands of dollars more for the same exact stone as opposed to a wholesale store like Costco. Buying Wholesale Another popular way to save money on diamond jewelry is to buy from a wholesaler. This cuts out the middle man (ie the stores that have to pay for employees, locations, utilities, equipment, etc) and can save you thousands of dollars. What's great is that the savings will more than make up for what you'd pay to have the stone put in a setting. You can find diamond wholesalers online. Try an internet search for "buy wholesale diamonds" or "buy loose diamonds." Each site should let you put in your search criteria based on the 4 C's. Once you've located a stone you want do a thorough search on the merchant. Look at their return policy, the fine print, online reviews. And only buy from merchants that offer GIA certified diamonds. If they don't you may not be getting what you paid for. Ask the merchant to send you the GIA certificate before you buy so you can verify the stones quality. Once you pay for and receive the stone, take it to a jeweler to have it appraised. Take the GIA certificate with you and have them verify that the stone matches the characteristics on it. From there you can take it to brick and mortar jewelry stores to pick out a setting for the stone. Be sure to visit several to make sure you are getting the best deal. Price on the Tag Did you know the average mark-up for a diamond ring is 300%? So even when jewelers advertise 50 percent off deals, they are still making 150% profit. That's why you should never be afraid to negotiate for a lower price. It doesn't matter if you are buying from a jewelry store at the mall or an independent store; all stores mark-up their wares outrageously. Sometimes independent jewelers have more leeway to offer discounts because they are not controlled by corporations and have less red tape. Ask for a discount if you agree to come back later to purchase wedding bands. The more business you promise them, the more likely they are to cut you a deal. And because credit card merchant fees are so high, some stores will give you a discount if you pay in cash. In the case of a diamond, knowledge can be the difference between over paying and getting a great deal. Putting a price tag on love is hard, and it often causes us to overspend. But paying more than you have to is crazy, maybe that's where the saying "crazy in love" comes from.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Too Many Toxic Chemicals Making Their Way into Food

Too Many Toxic Chemicals Making Their Way into Food Neil Wagner Arsenic. Mercury. Pesticide residues. These toxins make their way into food, but experts continue to disagree over how much of a health threat they pose. A new study from UC Davis and UCLA concludes that people — particularly preschool children — are being exposed to too many of these toxins at concentrations that have been determined to be unhealthy. The study also offers several ways for concerned people to lower their exposure to these toxins, ranging from the relatively simple strategy of eating less meat and dairy but more fruit and vegetables to buying organically grown milk and produce. The most disturbing finding was that pre-school children were the age group with the highest exposure to six of the 11 toxic compounds looked at in the study. Of the eleven toxic compounds studied, benchmarks (exposure levels considered safe) were exceeded by all children for arsenic, dieldrin, DDE and dioxin. And benchmarks were also exceeded by over 95% of preschool-age children for acrylamide and by 10% of preschool-age children for mercury. These compounds have been linked to cancer, developmental disabilities, birth defects and other adverse medical conditions. While there is some uncertainty about what constitutes a safe exposure level for these toxins, there is broad agreement that they're much more dangerous to children because of their lower body weight and developing brains and nervous systems. The study used data from a 2007 study called SUPERB, which surveyed households in California about their dietary habits, including 207 pre-school age children (2-4) and 157 school-age children (5-7). The researchers were able to tease out estimates of exposure levels to various toxins by concentrating on consumption of only 44 foods, those known to be extremely high in a particular toxin. For example, when it comes to mercury, you don't need to know dietary information on all mercury containing foods, just major sources such as tuna, to build a good estimate of a person's mercury exposure. It is notoriously difficult to pinpoint a safe level of exposure for many contaminants that end up in food. For one thing, the experiments that might establish safe levels are almost always unethical and cannot be conducted. The researchers looked at levels of eleven toxic compounds: three metals (arsenic, lead and mercury); three pesticides (chlorpyrifos, permethrin and endosulfan); four persistent organic pollutants (dioxin, DDE, dieldrin and chlordane); and the neurotoxin and suspected carcinogen acrylamide which is found in cigarette smoke and certain foods cooked at high temperatures, like potato chips. Perhaps the most disturbing finding was that pre-school children were the age group with the highest exposure to six of the 11 toxic compounds looked at in the study. It is notoriously difficult to pinpoint a safe level of exposure for many contaminants that end up in food. For one thing, the experiments that might establish safe levels are almost always unethical and cannot be conducted. This is one reason that there's so much bickering among scientists over whether foodborne toxins do or do not present a major health threat. Avoiding Exposure For people who are concerned about exposure to toxins in food, the researchers offer several strategies to lower exposure. About the simplest strategy is to eat a varied diet. This helps prevent accumulating too much toxin from a single food group. A much more proactive strategy is to buy organic produce. Even studies that question the usefulness of switching to organic produce agree that organic produce is much less likely to be contaminated with pesticides. The researchers found particularly high pesticide contamination in thirteen types of produce: tomatoes, peaches, apples, peppers, grapes, lettuce, broccoli, strawberries, spinach, dairy, pears, green beans and celery. Buying organic produce is one way to lower pesticide exposure in a single stroke. The researchers also suggest lowering meat consumption and switching to organic milk as ways to lower exposure to persistent organic pollutants like DDE, which tend to accumulate in animal fat. Probably the easiest way to lower acrylamide exposure is to avoid or minimize eating potato chips, tortilla chips and French fries. The researchers also think their study results should cause both industry and consumers to think long and hard about current food policy — how we grow our food and the approval process for chemicals of questionable toxicity. The persistent organic compound DDE comes from DDT that was sprayed as an insecticide decades ago. DDT use was banned in the U.S. 40 years ago, but we're still dealing today with the consequences of having sprayed so much of it. How many similar compounds are we introducing into the environment now that will continue to keep on giving in decades to come, even if their use were to cease today?

How to Be Indispensable

How to Be Indispensable By Jonathan Fields I was recently talking to a COO at a public company about our comparative experiences hiring people. Him, on a giant scale. Me, on a micro-scale. And, what became clear to both of us was... Scale aside... There is a single quality that is so rare, when you find someone who has it, you'll do pretty much anything to bring that person on board and keep them happy. And, the thing is, some people cultivate it naturally. But, others, once they realize its power, may be able to build it into who they are and how they operate. So, what do we look for? What is that single quality that makes someone precious and indispensable? Beyond intelligence, loyalty, kindness, respect, discipline, pride, passion and compassion, it's... ...the ability to create. Sounds so simple. But truth is, the vast majority of people spend their lives learning how to follow then execute other peoples' game plans. Fitting their skills, abilities and mindsets into the predefined responsibilities and tasks required by a predefined job. And, that's fine. We need people like that in the world. If that's you and you work with pride and add value and that makes you happy, rock on. But, know too that you regardless of how "hard" you work, you will very likely never be toward the top of the "gotta keep 'em" food chain. Not because you're bad at what you do, not because you don't add value. Not because those around you don't like or even love you. But because there will always be a sea of people lined up to take your job who can do what you do in a similar enough way to make your boss, partner, colleague or collaborator happy. For every creator, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of operators. Which is why, when you're a creator, everything changes. Rather than being the one people ask to carry out a plan, people look to you to create a plan. To solve a problem, to innovate a new idea, product, service or campaign, to see opportunities where everyone else sees barriers, to blaze a new trail rather than follow a well grooved one. And, the thing is, most often it's not about radical departures from the norm or Earth-shattering breakthroughs. What I'm talking about is the ability to create solutions on a daily basis. To understand we're at point A and we need to get to point B, then tap your creative/problem-solving juices to conjure the best possible way to get there. As someone who's steering the ship, that ability is immensely more valuable to me than someone who needs to be told every step from A to B (provided I also have skilled Operators in the pipeline). Because it frees up my own creative juices to focus on other projects, while trusting in another's ability to figure out how to get done what needs to get done. Truth be told, though, there's one person who's even more valuable than the pure creator/problem-solver. And, that's the Creator-Operator--the individual who can not only create anew, solve problems and map out innovative pathways, but also possesses the ability to execute, to bring those plans to life. People who can do both are extraordinarily rare finds, because creation and implementation are very different processes and almost always inhabit different brains and bodies, too. Most peoples' minds just don't function well on both levels. Which is why those folks tend to rise quickly up the ranks and often become entrepreneurs. And, that leaves us with two important questions: Are you a Creator, a Creator-Operator or an Operator? If you're an Operator and you'd like to become more of a Creator, is that "trainable?"

Monday, November 19, 2012

Do Something for Somebody

Do something for somebody, somewhere, while jogging along life's road. Help someone to carry his burden, and lighter will grow your load. Do something for somebody, gladly, it will sweeten your every care. In sharing the sorrows of others, your own are less hard to bear. Do something for somebody, striving to help where the way seems long. And the sorrowful hearts that languish, cheer up with a little song. Do something for somebody, always, whatever may be your creed. There's nothing on earth that can help you so much as a kindly deed.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Teach Your Children Well: How to Develop Successful Kids - Part Two By Mark Morgan Ford Today, I'd like to talk about the most important skills we need to be successful in life. I've been thinking about this subject for several decades. I hope that what I'm about to say will be helpful to you. The Three Mega-skills: Thinking, Writing, and Speaking I've identified about a dozen skills I believe are important to a successful life. Of these, three are fundamental: thinking well, speaking well, and writing well. At some level, every human being can think. But some people, I'm sure you would agree, think better than others. Thinking Well Thinking well means having the capacity to reason. It means being able to assess, analyze, and solve problems. It means being able to create and follow a trend of thought. It means being able to recognize good ideas from bad ones. It means understanding logic. Having the ability to think well gives a person a great competitive advantage. It allows him to solve problems and accomplish objectives quickly and efficiently. It distinguishes him as a smart and capable person. Thinking well is the basis for all of the other important social skills as you will soon see. In thinking about thinking, we must remember that there is a difference between thinking well and intelligence. Thinking well is a skill. Intelligence is a natural capacity. Having a sizable intellect is an indisputable asset. It makes it so much easier to learn how to think well. But it does not guarantee it. The world is full of intelligent people who have never learned how to think well. They grow up to be adults who do not have the intellectual capacity to fend for themselves. They live out their lives dependent on the kindness of others. Thinking well, like any other skill, can be learned. If it can be learned, it can be taught. And that teaching will fall primarily on your shoulders. Government-run schools and many private schools, as well, have neither the interest nor ability to do this. The job is and should be up to you. There are at least three ways you can teach your children to think well. The most important is probably through thoughtful conversation. Taking the time to walk your children through problems and obstacles is invaluable. Asking them questions and questioning their answers is also important. And finally, it is important to encourage them to have their own ideas. Society wants to make us all think alike. You can't possibly be a good thinker unless you have the temerity to think for yourself. The second most important is probably through a good formal education. A good formal education, in my view, is one that emphasizes the liberal arts: literature, language, history, and the arts. Some knowledge of science and mathematics is helpful. But these are skills that are not likely to make you anything more than a successful or celebrated worker bee. The skills you learn in liberal arts teach you how to think. The third way you can teach your children to think well is by exacting a diligent control over their use of computers, video games, television, and access to the Internet, generally. My wife and I unplugged our televisions during the 25 years that our children lived at home. And we banned video games and encouraged our children to "play" games that were educational. Today, there are hundreds of games you can download for free or a few dollars from the Internet. These include fundamental thinking games about discrimination, recognition, sorting, pairing, etc., and more advanced games that focus on skills such as analysis and logic. Speaking Well Another thing I'm proud to say is that our children are reasonably proficient speakers. In my view, speaking well is the second most important social skill. As with thinking well, we need to make a distinction here. Speaking well involves grammar and diction, but these are not as important as the ability to express worthy thoughts concisely and clearly. However good your grammar and diction may be, you can't speak well if have trouble "saying" what you "mean." To become a good speaker, you must practice the skill of speaking concisely. And you must also develop the habit of saying things that are worth saying. It is amazing to me how many college-educated people I meet who can't speak well. They are the people who have good ideas but cannot express them. When trying to express even a modestly complicated thought, they hem and haw and pepper their phrases with expressions like "you know" and "it was like" and so on. Then there are the articulate people who never say anything that isn't shallow or trivial. Having the ability to speak well is such a rare quality that the possession of it will immediately separate you from most other people in the room. It will give you social power that they lack even if they are richer, taller, and better looking than you are. How do you teach your children to speak well? Again, the most important way is by speaking well yourself. A child's first and most frequent exposure to the skill of speaking is with his parents. Small children absorb the intricacies of language like sponges. If you want your children to have this second most valuable social skill, then speak thoughtfully when you speak to them and expect them to do the same with you. You can also encourage your children to speak well by insisting they take courses that involve speaking in school. These would be primarily the liberal arts courses but also any courses for which you can't get a grade simply by checking off boxes. And thirdly, there is the Internet. There are dozens and dozens of applications available that will improve one's vocabulary and grammar. As I said, these are not the most important elements of speaking well, but they help. Writing Well The third most important social skill is writing well. Writing may seem to have become less important in the age of instant messaging, but writing short communications is still writing. And as your child enters into the world of work, writing well will become an increasingly valuable skill. Having the ability to express him or herself well in memos, business letters, proposals, personal notes, and so on is a very powerful skill. Writing well is dependent on speaking well, and speaking well is dependent on thinking well. So if you educate your children to think and speak well, it will be quite easy to teach them to become good writers. Again, writing well is the skill of expressing worthy ideas concisely and clearly on paper. Writing well demands some additional facilities beyond those of speaking well, but for the most part, if you can speak well, you can also write well. The most important way you can teach your children to write well is to insist that they spend some amount of time writing every day. You might encourage your children to write letters to an out-of-town relative or find a pen pal through one of the supervised pen-pal sites on the Internet. Thinking, speaking, and writing well are the three most important social skills. If your children learn these, they will be set for life. They will have the ability to analyze problems, find solutions for them, and thus be seen as problem solvers. They will be able to stand out in any social group (at work or outside of work) by their abilities to express good ideas concisely and clearly. Plus, if they acquire good manners, they won't have to pay the cost of treating other people badly.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


You Can't stop thinking about it You want to stop but you can't You want to let got but you can't You just keep thinking about it And every time you think about it You get upset. You get angry. You want to let go and move on but you can't. Your mind won't let you. The thoughts keep coming. They won't stop. You keep beating yourself up and you don't know why You think of the worst, you think of how things can't work out, why you won't succeed and then you think you'll never get ahead. You can't sleep. You toss and turn. You're constantly worrying A sense of panic takes over. You need to change things now. You need to succeed now. You want to do something but don't know what. You just keep hanging on to those memories. You keep thinking about what happened. The negative thoughts keep coming... You just can't let go... But you CAN let go. And you CAN move on. You CAN stop beating yourself up You CAN get rid of those negative thoughts.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


She walked as if she owned the world, Her head held high with, Pride written all over her face. She did not stumble nor falter in her gait, Lording over all that she gazed. In her you will find everything, From scars to unhealed wounds Her life's battles bring. She laughed and cried But lived,always ready to fight. Her life like a rollercoaster ride, Her pain often comes like a hurricane. She faced it all unafraid Even if she might fail. She knew what her life could have become, Regret tortured her mind Leaving her unstrung. But never early never late, God brought her out of her Otherwise doomed fate. Pride brought her to her knees, Heartbroken, she looked up to see. All that she had burned to ashes, Tears weld up wetting her eyelashes. Hopes and dreams dashed to the ground, She did not want to be around. Stark reality staring at her face She realised all she had been was just a waste. Shattered, she bowed down begging for mercy, From the One who always loved her so dearly. She had never given Him the time of day Lost for words she did'nt know what to say. But He knew, and looking at her face He lifted her up with His amazing grace. Hope bubbled again, in her heart reigned A knowledge that He will never allow, Her life to go in vain. She stood up with strength renewed Vowing to always give him his due. She will not leave, in her heart she knew Till His purpose in her life is fulfilled.


To all my friends far and near.. If I have lost many things in my life, I have friends who still make it bright. If my mood is bad, You are there to make me glad. If i'm depressed, You are there to lighten the stress. If i'm feeling low You are there to bring back the glow. When i'm feeling weak You are there to help me stand on my feet. When I feel like giving up You're there encouraging me lifting me up. When I face an obstacle You're there helping me climb over the hurdles. If i'm in need, you're there; My friends indeed. Thank you for all your good wishes and prayers, For being there in every stormy weather, For helping me in every strife, For opening my eyes when i'm not doing right; For just being there When my world is not bright. Thank you for caring and Bearing with me inspite of everything. You are indeed a blessing! May God be with you always His love shining through all your days. Blessings abundant His grace and mercy In your life constant. God bless you now and always.


You brought me into this world 65 years ago, I crawled, stood, walked and ran, my face a glow, From that time to this day I've been around, Thank you Lord for strength to stand my ground. I have laughed and cried, Been happy and light, Depressed and low but, Always raring to go. Today is a new beginning, The year ahead the start Of a new innings. Lord to you is my thanksgiving For walking with me on roads, no silver tarring. Through pain and strife, Through storms and high tide I walked knowing you're always beside. Your love filled my empty heart, Your wisdom gave me a headstart. Your mercy flooded my life Your strength helped me overcome the strife. Your grace exceedingly great Overwhelms my soul, Faith and hope forever I hold.


I don't go chasing my dreams, I just want to achieve my aims. I don't want to run after money lest it make me greedy. I don't want to be a saint, lest it make me vain. I don't want to preach but I want to lead. I don't want to be weak but I want to be meek. I don't like poverty but I can't pull it out like weed.i don't want to be filthy rich but comfortably live. I don't want to hate lest it consumes my faith. I don't want to steal lest my fate is sealed. I want to retain my identity but swim in a sea of humanity. I want to right a wrong but not by using brawn. I want to live kingsize but not tread on someone's rights. I want to be gentle but certainly not feeble. I want to be strong but not by doing wrong. I want to love and be loved but not to stray and betray. I want to remain true but not regret and rue. I want to be accepted not hated and rejected. I wish everyone good and me to be understood. I want to bless and not be a stress. I want to smile and make others delight. I want peace like a gentle blowing breeze to spread happiness amidst people depressed. These are my thoughts deep inside me wrought.


I don't go chasing my dreams, I just want to achieve my aims. I don't want to run after money lest it make me greedy. I don't want to be a saint, lest it make me vain. I don't want to preach but I want to lead. I don't want to be weak but I want to be meek. I don't like poverty but I can't pull it out like weed.i don't want to be filthy rich but comfortably live. I don't want to hate lest it consumes my faith. I don't want to steal lest my fate is sealed. I want to retain my identity but swim in a sea of humanity. I want to right a wrong but not by using brawn. I want to live kingsize but not tread on someone's rights. I want to be gentle but certainly not feeble. I want to be strong but not by doing wrong. I want to love and be loved but not to stray and betray. I want to remain true but not regret and rue. I want to be accepted not hated and rejected. I wish everyone good and me to be understood. I want to bless and not be a stress. I want to smile and make others delight. I want peace like a gentle blowing breeze to spread happiness amidst people depressed. These are my thoughts deep inside me wrought.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Walking Meditation as a Modern Way to a Healthier Life Meditation has always been associated with solitude, tranquility, and physical inactivity. When one talks of meditation, you may usually come up with a scenario in which a person finds a secluded area, closes his eyes in silence, and rests his body while working his mind out. Does meditation always have to be like this? Meditation is an art. A method. A skill. A process. It is the art of keeping in touch with yourself, of discovering your entirety and the many facets of your being. It is also a skill that must be developed. It requires discipline and right mindset. You cannot simply think that you will meditate and expect to achieve a result right after. This requires the tuning of one's consciousness. Meditation typically involves a set of procedures and guidelines to be followed. Typically, the success of the activity will depend on the adherence to the given principles and rules. One interesting form of meditation that deviates from the old and traditional concept is walking meditation. Walking meditation is a lot different from other forms of meditation known to many. For one, you will not have to be physically inactive just to do it. In fact, you need to move and be active – you need to walk! You have to actively engage your mind and your body in this activity in order to experience a holistic positive result. This brings another benefit. Since walking is a daily activity, you can actually grow by meditation everyday! You also will not have to find a secluded place just so you can meditate. Anywhere will do. Actually, a noisy and crowded place is even encouraged. Here is where the challenge lies. Concentration is important and awareness must be focused. You must not allow the outer world to bind your mind into it – by the things that you see, hear, or whatever you perceive. You may be aware of them, but you must guard not to do anything about them. Do not cling to anything. The guiding principle behind walking meditation is achieving a balanced awareness, equilibrium, between your inner self and the outer world surrounding you. This meditation will invite you to feel your entire body, all the workings of the parts that make you up, being aware how each of your body parts operates. While doing this, you also have to notice your emotion and your mood. These are all done while you walk. The outside world need not be lost in your focus. There will always be stuffs that will catch your attention as you meditate, and you are not to resist. You are not to hang on to these, though. You have to let them pass by, observing them without doing anything at all. This is the real sense of awareness. The ideal result of walking meditation is the person's consciousness of the outside world while being completely aware of his inner self. When this is achieved, many of the puzzles and complexities of life will become clearer and simpler. By bridging the gap between what is within and what is out of yourself, you can take full control of your life and enjoy a healthier and a more satisfied lifestyle.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012


WHY ???????????? It's not about me, it's not about you. It's about the place we stay in, the society we live in, the systems we have!! *I often wonder* when a mosquito bites us why do I think of a repellant, why a coil or hit why don't I have the courage to question my municipality? *Why do I buy* water in a bottle? Why do I purify water at my home? Does the water bill say that the tap water is only for washing clothes or having a bath? Why don't I get drinking water in my tap? *Why should I pay* a toll tax on every single black, nice looking road? Why a basic road is not my right? *Why do I buy* an inverter or dream of a generator? Why don't I get current in my wires? *Why do we call* the private schools as public schools.. I always thought schools run by the government should be called public schools!! *Why- the cricketer* who sold the ethics of game sits in parliaments or come as experts on channels? *Why someone known* for beating his wife and had charges of holding drugs is a celebrity to judge dance shows and all of us watch and clap too. *Why is it that the* so called high profile tainted journalists still run public shows and we all watch it.. *Why don't I know* the fine on jumping red light or for not wearing a helmet but am very well aware of power of 100 rupees, the cost of duty of most of the traffic guys across the country.. *Why is a girl raped* in a roaming car in the capital of the country almost every month and all that the government says is that girls should be careful.. *Why does the trial* and judgment of social activists just takes a few weeks but Raja, Raju, Reddy roams around !! *Why even after killing hundreds* of people on road the blue line buses remained on roads? Do you know any city apart from the capital of your country where the city buses crushed people on a daily basis? *Why didn't we come on the roads* when someone made elephants of stones for thousands of crores rupees in U.P. where people still dig pits to sleep or die of hunger? *Why a tainted, corrupt minister* is called to IIM and Academy for IAS and applauded – unstopped on his desi style ? Its so easy to call someone corrupt but have you ever thought; *The act of bribe starts by giving not by taking* ..it starts from me not from him or her.. so why don't I look at myself first ? I strongly believe that the *Logic is always for NOT doing something.. Doing does not need logic,* *doers don't believe in logics!!* Just a couple of years back some people came and played with us, killed our pride and people. We were angry.. some people thought that the attack in Mumbai was on rich people and therefore something would change.. Nothing happened.. we all go to gateway of India on every anniversary in November, burn some wax, sing some songs and come back. Nothing changes- the government is back, Z security is back and people are back at the Gateway of India… *It's time to come out, stand up*...move.. do something.. Sitting in drawing rooms or discussing over a mug of beer will not solve anything.. *Please remember this country does not need thinkers any more, enough of them.. what you need is action..*


Lovely Thoughts About Life A short walk is so difficult, when no one walks with you. But a long journey is just like few steps when you walk with someone who loves and cares for you. We always look and care for the person whom we love the most. But we fail to look back at those who love us the most. Death’s not the greatest loss in life.. The greatest loss is when relationships die inside us while we are still alive... Life is not about the people who act true on your face.. Its about the people who remain true behind your back.. Time decides whom you meet in life… Your heart decides whom you want in life.. but your behavious decides who will stay in your life... You can win life by all means.. Yes.. If you simply avoid two things... 1. Comparing - with others 2. Expecting - from other Life will be more beautiful!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


11 proven ways to gain unstoppable confidence #1 - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Those who know are ultimately much more confident in any arena than those shrouded in ignorance. Use your spare time to read up on the things that interest you, on the things that you are curious about, and build up a solid base of knowledge and critical thinking. The more you know, the more sure of yourself you will be in any situation. #2 - EXPERIENCE Uncertainty is the biggest drain on your self-confidence. Succumbing to doubt ensures you will never believe in yourself. The more often you do something, the more certain you become. With certainty comes confidence. #3 - CARE-FREE ATTITUDE Try to walk through your day with as easy and care-free of an attitude as you can muster, because someone who is it ease with him or herself is someone who is confident. Build unstoppable confidence by not getting hung up on the petty issues and minor irritations that help wear you down. #4 - HONEST SELF-ASSESSMENT Take stock of yourself. Brainstorm for a bit and compose a list of your good qualities and bad, the things you excel at and the things you need to improve upon, and once you have a clear picture of yourself much of the uncertainty that breeds doubt will wash away. #5 - ANALYZE Take the time to properly think through every problem, and the confidence in your skills will grow. #6 - BE THOROUGH Try to be as complete and thorough at every task you attempt . Completing tasks builds confidence in your ability to always see projects through to their proper conclusion . #7 - IDENTIFY YOUR LIMITS, AND EXCEED THEM Once you have assessed yourself, make a list of goals you wish to accomplish, and get to work. You now know your true limits, so the only thing left to do is push beyond them and set your sights on new frontiers. #8 - BE OPEN TO HELPING OTHERS Don't close yourself off to friends, acquaintances and coworkers. The more you put yourself out there in business and social situations, the more quickly you will build confidence in your ability to navigate these sometimes tricky waters. #9 - COMPOSE YOURSELF Dress well, groom yourself, compose your identity as a person who is well put together, and you will feel confident when meeting new people and doing new things. #10 - BE DECISIVE While it is okay to take time to analyze and think situations through, the time comes when you must be decisive and act. Decisive people are confident; not confident people are decisive. #11 BE COMPLETE Know yourself fully, wash away your own doubts about yourself, your identity and your capabilities, and present every aspect of yourself in every situation and you will have no reason to doubt your confidence. Become your full, real self. A lot of confidence building techniques simply do not work. I've tried everything out there and studied confident people to see what makes them who they are. Continue reading this article for the top 11 traits you can develop to build strong self-confidence that attracts the people, job, and pleasures of life you want.

Now, Erase Scary Memories without Drugs

Now, Erase Scary Memories without Drugs Reactivating A Memory Opens Up A 6-Hr Window When It Can Be Permanently Edited: Experts Chicago: US researchers have found a drug-free way to block fearful memories, opening up the possibility of new treatment approaches for problems such as post traumatic stress disorder, they reported. The findings in people build on studies in rats that showed that reactivating a memory — by showing people objects that stimulate the fearful memory — opens up a specific time window in which the memory can be edited before it is stored again. “Before memories are stored, there is a period where they are susceptible to being disrupted,” said Elizabeth Phelps of New York University, whose study appears in the journal Nature. Earlier studies have shown that drugs can be used to block fearful memories, but the results were not long lasting. Phelps and colleagues based their studies on findings in rats that showed that old memories can be changed or reconsolidated, but only during a specific window time after the rat is reminded of the fearful memory. That window of susceptibility is typically between 10 minutes after re-exposure to the object to 6 hours later, when the memory stored once again in the brain. The researchers applied these findings to people in a lab setting. First, they created a fearful memory by showing the volunteers a blue square, and then delivering a mild shock. Once they had created the fear memory, they simply showed a blue square, which reminded them of the fear memory. The team waited 10 minutes and then started a training period where the volunteers were repeatedly exposed to the blue square without a shock. Phelps said simply delaying the exposure training so that it falls within a period during which the memory is susceptible to being edited made a lasting difference in the ability to block the fear memory. A second group that was exposed to the blue square without the 10-minute waiting period, continued to show fear when exposed to the blue square. When they brought people back a year later, the group that got the training showed no fear response — tracked by changes in the skin — when exposed to the blue square, while other volunteers continued to have a fear response. Phelps said the important aspect of the study is the time window. “What we think is happening is because we did it at the right time, you are restoring the memory as safe as opposed to just creating a new memory that competes with the old memory,” Phelps said on Wednesday. She said the findings are the first of their type in humans, and she cautioned that the findings cannot be immediately applied to people with severe anxiety problems, such as post traumatic stress disorder.


You have found my heart here Kindly please step through Garden of great wonder Created just for you I am so glad to see you I want to give you rest Speak about the joyous things All things that you love best No time here for crying No time for feeling sad Flowers here are happy They truly are so glad Perking up to sunshine Feeling special light These the things I offer That fills the heart's delight Worries at the threshold They'll keep a few days more Today you are here for happiness There's so much at this door Colors of a rainbow With flowers that will bow Just because you walked this way They're perky and so proud Looking up to heaven Heaving a great sigh Happy that you've passed them Here's the reason why You touch them with a beauty Their velvet soft with mist Delightfully enchanted Their petals have been kissed.


Hinduism & Nature Nature and Hinduism are so entwined that it is quite impossible to think about one without the other. The need for an ecological balance is stressed in the Vedas and Upanishads and this message is repeated in the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Gita, Puranas and in the messages of Hindu saints. Mother Nature is worshipped in Hindu religion. But for majority of Hindus, worship is confined to temples and homes and thus they are equal contributors in global warming, pollution and emissions. Here are a few thoughts which ancient seers of Sanatana Dharma had shared more than 5000 years ago regarding the importance of nature and majority of them are highly relevant today. One should not destroy the trees. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-48-17) Plants are mothers and Goddesses. (Rig Veda Samhita x-97-4) Trees are homes and mansions. (Rig Veda Samhita x-97-5) Sacred grass has to be protected from man's exploitation (Rig Veda Samhita vii-75-8) Plants and waters are treasures for generations. (Rig Veda Samhita vii-70-4) Earth, in which lie the sea, the river and other waters, in which food and cornfields have come to be, in which lives all that breathes and that moves, may she confer on us the finest of her yield. Earth, in which the waters, common to all, moving on all sides, flow unfailingly, day and night, may she pour on us milk in many streams, and endow us with lustre. (From the Atharva Veda - Hymn to the Earth - Bhumi-Sukta) May those born of thee, O Earth, be for our welfare, free from sickness and waste, wakeful through a long life, we shall become bearers of tribute to thee. Earth my mother, set me securely with bliss in full accord with heaven, O wise one, uphold me in grace and splendor. (From the Atharva Veda - Hymn to the Earth - Bhumi-Sukta) Earth, atmosphere, sky, sun, moon, stars, waters, plants, trees, moving creatures, swimming creatures, creeping creatures all are hailed and offered oblations. (Taittiriya Samhita i-8-13) One should protect the habitation. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-71-3) Waters as friends of man give full protection to his progenies. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-50-7) One shall take care of quadrupeds. (Taittiriya Samhita iv-4-10) One shall be auspicious to animals. (Taittiriya Samhita ii-3-14) One shall not find fault with animals. (Chandogya Upanishad ii-18-2) Waters represent splendor. (Atharva Veda Samhita iii-13-5) Waters bear off all defilements and cleanse people. (Vajasaneya Samhita iv-2) Whoever injures the essence of food, kine or steeds is a robber who sinks both himself and his offspring into destruction. (Rig Veda Samhita vii-104-10) Offerings are dedicated to waters of wells, pools, clefts, holes, lakes, morasses, ponds, tanks, marshes, rains, rime, streams, rivers and ocean. (Taittiriya Samhita vii-4-13) There was only water in the beginning. (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad v-5-1) Waters and herbs should have no poison. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-39-5) Waters are to be freed from defilement. (Atharva Veda Samhita x-5-24) Waters cleanse humanity from the evil of pollution committed by it. (Atharva Veda Samhita xii-2-40) Waters are healing and they strengthen one to see great joy. (Taittiriya Samhita vii-4-19) The Mahabharata says that 'even if there is only one tree full of flowers and fruits in a village, that place becomes worthy of worship and respect.’ ‘No religion, perhaps, lays as much emphasis on environmental ethics as does Hinduism. It believes in ecological responsibility and says like Native Americans that the Earth is our mother. It champions protection of animals, which it considers also have souls, and promotes vegetarianism. It has a strong tradition of non-violence or ahimsa. It believes that God is present in all nature, in all creatures, and in every human being regardless of their faith or lack of it.’ Dr. David Frawley We Hindus are always proud to hear others praise our culture. We publish them, discuss them in social circles but rarely follow the unparalleled teachings in our scriptures. Lord Ganesha, Holy Cow, Worship of Mountains, Worship of Nagas (Snakes), Tulsi and the numerous other plants and animals that form part of Hindu worship are nothing but messages incorporated by wise Hindu Saints to teach us that we humans are part of nature and not outside it and above it. The Hindu concept of Brahman, the Supreme Soul, suggests that all animate and inanimate and all born and yet to be born are part of Brahman. Therefore an imbalance in a particular part will affect all other parts. The Supreme Being then finds out a method to transform that defective part. Since Brahman is present in all, it is easy to transform. And we humans might term such a transformation as the End or Death or total annihilation. For the Supreme Soul, it is a small repair work carried out by a minute virus. Mother Nature is not dependent on Human Beings but Human Beings are. Ancient Seers knew it and therefore they worshiped Nature. Modern Humans termed it as animism and replaced it with more refined worships. And the result of such a refined worship ... ‘In our arrogance and ignorance we have destroyed the environment of this planet. We have polluted the oceans, we have made the air unbreathable, we have desecrated nature and decimated wildlife. But the Vedantic seers knew that man was not something apart from nature, and, therefore, they constantly exhort us that, while we work for own salvation, we must also work for the welfare of all beings.’ Karan Singh Only a people’s movement can save the earth from destruction. We are armed with wise teachings of our saints. Now what we need is its implementation.


Life is care! Life is freedom! Life is peace! Life is art! Life is a fairy tale! Life is a mystery! Life is delight! Life is splendour! Life is nature! Life is beautiful!


Jealousy, cattiness are the worst enemies of girl power. Rouge asks if it's time to let go of feelings of resentment against each other IT'S ALWAYS a woman who pulls another woman down. Why haven't we learnt our lessons? Why do women let jealousy get in the way of friendship? Believe it or not, Keira Knightley is jealous of other women's legs. Paris Hilton believes that Nicole Richie is 'jealous' of her and that's the reason for their sour relationship. So heartbroken, Paris even wrote a song 'Jealousy' for her ex-girlfriend: I was always happy, When I was watching you become a star, But you were only happy, When the world was openin' up my scars… Fact is, we need to create a new 'calm power' at our workplace, where women change the social landscape from one of competition to cooperation. 'We don't need to pull other women down' SONALIKA SAHAY, model "It is true, women are generally interested in knowing what other female friends are doing. But I guess it's in their nature, they can't help it. It brings women some kind of joy to see another woman's downfall. But those are only 'socalled' friends not the real ones. I guess there's need for 21st-century girl power not one-upmanship, we don't need to pull other women down. We should concentrate positive energies on ourselves rather than getting jealous. It's better to see how far you can go ahead in life rather than waiting for your friends to fall badly. Things won't change overnight but gradually." 'Vanity, thy name is woman' SHIBANI KASHYAP, singer "When I was in school and I used to participate in competitions, I realised that my own dear girlfriends are competing with me; they wanted to win at any cost. They were not my true friends, they were my competitors. Now, in the music industry, I get negative vibes from other female singers, who are not happy to see me climb the ladder of success. If you are very good looking, your friends get jealous. But I believe that it's all in the mind, if you are mature and sensible enough then you won't ever let something as small as jealousy harm your relationship." 'Never mix your business and friendship' ROSHNI CHOPRA, TV actor "Jealousy is very normal especially in the working environment. The one thing that I've learnt in my professional life is that you should never mix business and friendship. You won't be able to find true friends in the place where you are working. Particularly with female friends, they can get jealous of anything and everything, so it's much better to have just cordial relationship and nothing more. Possessiveness to what you have achieved and insecurities result in jealousy. The worst can be a friend of yours 'hitting on your husband', that's the end of friendship for me. Women can't stop competing with other women, that's the rule of the game and it goes on and on." 'Jealousy is normal, just another human trait' TINA CHATWAL, model "In this competitive world, jealousy is normal, it is just another human trait. I think if jealousy is equal from both sides, then the relationship will soon die. But why should jealousy take over your relationship. Take for example, in my industry, each model should let her talent and work speak for her. Women should create their own identity rather than indulging in cat fights, that's so immature! There's so much to do in life than thinking bad about others. Women should rise above all this nonsense." 'Jealousy is part of the game' SOPHIE, VJ "Wherever there's competition -- be it based on work, looks, lifestyle, money or anything, jealousy creeps in. What I've gathered from my experience all these years is, that you can't find loyal girlfriends in your workplace. You won't ever be able to give 100% in a friendship; you will always be cautious and insecure. In this glamour industry, people are always trying to pull me down. I believe, your hard work and dedication will make you come out as a winner. Women get jealous very easily; even your decent lifestyle can get on their nerves very quickly. Accept it; jealousy is part of the game."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

How to talk to girl

Call him a child prodigy, but nine-year-old Alec Greven from Colorado is certainly an artist in his own right – he has authored America’s latest self-help book that is now set to become a major Hollywood film How To Talk To Girls. At eight years of age, Alec and his fellow pupils at the Soaring Hawk Elementary School in Castle Rock were asked to write an essay about something they had observed about ordinary life. And it was then that he chose to explore the perils of boys trying to win the attention of girls in the playground, and offered some tips for success. “Boys have a lot of trouble with crushes. I wanted to help the boys with crushes. But I also wanted to say there is a girl for every boy and don’t give up and don’t think girls are gross. They are just girls,” a website quoted him as saying in an interview. And this ‘pint-sized pickup artist’, as he’s popularly called gave some extraordinary nuggets of wisdom, that include combing your hair, cutting down on sugar (to avoid being too hyper), and knowing that while 73 per cent of girls ditch boys, 98 per cent of pretty girls do it. The pretty ones are “like cars that need a lot of oil”. However, it was his teachers who played a major role behind his success – they were so tickled by the essay that they suggested Alec turn it into a stapled pamphlet, which he could sell at the school’s book fair. And soon, the media had got the inkling of the rage the pamphlet had become, and comedian and talk show host, Ellen DeGeneres invited the boy genius on her show. From there Geven set off to a course towards stardom which culminated first in his essay being released as a hardback book. And it was announced this week that a production house had signed the six-figure movie deal. And now, men of all ages can take something from his pages. Some of the facts in the book include: Never seem too keen. “Girls don’t like desperate boys,” he writes. Highlight your best side: “You can also show off a skill, like playing soccer or anything else you’re good at.” If you are spurned, don’t mope: “Sometimes, you get a girl to like you, then she ditches you,” our young romance guru notes. “Life is hard, move on! Or sometimes it just doesn’t work out. I had a crush on a girl in preschool. Then my family had to move, so I had to let her wash out of my mind.”

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Saturday, May 19, 2012


When it comes to sleeping pills, even light use is a risk according to a recent study. People who took fewer than 18 pills per year were 3.6 times as likely to die in that time period as people who took no sleeping pills at all. The study tracked people who take hypnotics (sleeping pills) for two and a half years. Those who took more than 18 pills had an even higher risk of death, as well as a 35% higher cancer rate. As in all epidemiological studies, this research can't show that the sleeping pills themselves were responsible for the increase in deaths, much less explain why they might be responsible. But the increase in risk is so large that both doctors and patients might want to take a closer look at alternatives for getting a good night's sleep before turning to sleeping pills. The researchers estimate that hypnotic drugs may have been responsible for between 320,000 and 500,000 excess deaths in 2010 alone. The study looked at records from the years 2002 to 2007 of nearly 35,000 subscribers to the Geisinger Health System, which covers people in 41 mainly rural counties in Pennsylvania. It compared death and cancer rates between 10,531 people who had received at least one prescription for sleeping pills with 23,674 people who had not. Two controls matched for sex, age and smoking history were selected for each person who had been prescribed a hypnotic, and their death and cancer rates were compared over a 2.5 year period. Some of the major findings were: On average, people with prescriptions for hypnotics had approximately 4.6 times the risk of nonusers of dying in the next 2.5 years. Eight different types of hypnotic were each associated with a substantial increase in death rate. These were: zolpidem (Ambien), temazepam (Restoril), eszopiclone (Lunesta), zaleplon (Sonata, Starnoc), triazolam (Halcion), flurazepam (Dalmane), barbiturates and antihistamines. Newer hypnotics such as Ambien and Restoril did not test out any safer than older hypnotics did. People prescribed fewer than 18 doses per year of any hypnotic were 3.6 times more likely to die than people prescribed no hypnotics. This increased death risk rose to 4.5 fold in people prescribed 18 to 132 pills per year and to 5.4 fold in people prescribed more than 132 pills per year. People prescribed over 132 pills per year also had a 35% increased risk of being diagnosed with cancer. Although the researchers adjusted their results to take into account many factors including age, gender, smoking, body mass index, ethnicity, marital status, alcohol use and prior cancer, it's possible that other factors may partially explain the observed rise in death risk. In particular, the researchers could not adjust for the influence of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety because of Pennsylvania laws protecting the confidentiality of these diagnoses. Many studies have found that these conditions can shorten lifespan, with one in particular finding that depression can increase death risk as much as smoking cigarettes does. Nevertheless, the study results have to be alarming to anyone who has been taking sleeping pills or is considering taking them, as well as to the doctors that prescribe them. It's thought that between 6 and 10% of U.S. adults took a hypnotic drug in 2010. The researchers estimate that such drugs may have been responsible for between 320,000 and 500,000 excess deaths in 2010 alone. An article on the study was published by BMJ Open.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Treatment of underweight

Being thin or underweight like being overweight, is a relative term, being based on the ideal weight for a given height built, and sex. A person can be regarded as moderately underweight if he or she weighs ten per cent below the ideal body weight and markedly so if the weight is twenty per cent below the ideal.

Underweight symptoms

Fatigue feeling
They often feel easily fatigued, have poor physical stamina and low resistance to infection.

Underweight causes

Thinness due to an inadequate caloric intake
Thinness due to an inadequate caloric intake is a serious condition, especially in young people. Diseases like tuberculosis, respiratory disorders, pneumonia, circulatory diseases like heart disorders, cerebral haemorrhage, nephritis, typhoid fever, and cancer are quite common among them.

Inadequate nutrition or bad eating habits
Thinness may be due to inadequate nutrition or excessive bodily activity, or both. Emotional factors or bad eating habits such as skipping meals, small meals, habitual fasting, and inadequate exercise can also cause it

Inadequate digestion, metabolic disturbances and disorders
Other factors include inadequate digestion and absorption of food due to a wrong dietary pattern for a particular metabolism, metabolic disturbances such as an overactive thyroid, and hereditary tendencies. Disorders such as chronic dyspepsia, chronic diarrhoea, presence of intestinal worms, liver disorders, diabetes mellitus, insomnia, constipation, and sexual disorders can also lead to thinness.

Home Remedies for Underweight
Underweight treatment using Musk Melon (Qarbooza)
Musk melon is one of the most effective home remedies for thinness. If the melon cure is properly carried out, a rapid gain in weight can usually be achieved. In this mode of treatment, only musk melons are taken three times during the day for forty days or more. In the beginning, only three kilograms of melons are taken daily for three days. Then the quantity is increased by one kilogram daily till it is sufficient to appease the hunger. Only the sweet and fresh fruits of the best variety are used in the treatment.

Underweight treatment using Mango-Milk Cure
The mango-milk cure is also an ideal treatment for thinness. For this mode of treatment, ripe and sweet mangoes should always be selected. They should be taken thrice a day-morning, afternoon, and evening. Two medium sized mangoes should be taken first and then followed by a glass of milk. Mango is rich in sugar but deficient in protein. On the other hand, milk is rich in protein but deficient in sugar. The deficiency of one is made up by the other. Mango thus combines very well with milk and an exclusive mango-milk diet taken for at least one month, will lead to improvement in health and vigour and gain in weight

Underweight treatment using Milk Cure
An exclusive milk diet for rapid gain of weight has been advocated by some nature cure practitioners. At the beginning of this mode of treatment, the patient should fast for three days on warm water and lime juice so as to cleanse the system. Thereafter, he should have a glass of milk every two hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the first day, a glass every hour and half the next day, and a glass every hour the third day. Then the quantity of milk should be gradually increased so as to take a glass every half an hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., if such a quantity can be tolerated fairly comfortably

Underweight treatment using Figs (Anjeer)
Figs are an excellent remedy for increasing weight in case of thinness. The high percentage of the rapidly assimilable sugar in this fruit make it a strengthening and fattening food. Three dried figs soaked in water should be taken twice daily

Underweight treatment using Raisins (Kishmish)
Raisins are a good food for those who wish to gain weight. Thirty grams a day may be taken for this purpose

Underweight treatment using Nutrients
Nutrients which help to keep the nerves relaxed are of utmost importance as nervousness causes all the muscles to become tense, and the energy which goes into the tensing wastefully uses up a great deal of food. Although all vitamins and minerals are required for relaxation, the most important once are vitamin D and B6,calcium, and magnesium. The richest sources of vitamin D are milk, cod-liver oil, and rays of the sun. Calcium is supplied by milk and yoghurt. Magnesium can be obtained from green leafy vegetables such as spinach, parsley, turnip, radish, and beet tops. These vegetables should, preferably, be taken in salad form or should be lightly cooked.

Underweight diet
Diet plays an important role in building up health for gaining weight. Underweight persons should eat frequent small meals as they tend to feel full quickly. The weight-building quality of a food is measured by the number of calories it contains. To gain weight the diet should include more calories than are used in daily activities so as to allow the excess to be stored as body fat. The allowance of 500 calories in excess of the daily average needs is estimated to provide for a weight gain of half a kilogram weekly

Food to avoid when you are underweight
All refined foods such as products containing white flour and sugar should be avoided, as they destroy health

Other Underweight treatment

Exercises and Yoga
Regular exercises like walking, dancing, yoga, meditation, and massage are also important as they serve as relaxants, reduce stress, and induce good sleep. Yogasanas which are especially helpful are sarvangasana, halasana, and matsyasana.


When you love someone so deep inside,
It seems like it's so easy to hide.
You've loved him for so very long,
You would think he could do no wrong.

Every day you would hope and pray,
That he would always stay this way.
He treated you like you should be treated,
You thought your life was finally completed.

You thought your love was growing true,
And then one day it was all so blue.
He started putting you down and it hurt,
You thought all you were to him was dirt.

He started ignoring you and you wondered why,
All you wanted to do was curl up and die.
You thought your relationship would never end,
But that was all so fake and pretend.

One night he was so sweet to you,
You thought all those things were maybe untrue,
Two days later he was back the same,
You thought you were the one to blame.

He thought the relationship was getting too serious
And that you
had become a little too curious.
By this time you knew it wouldn't last,
All the nice things he said were in the past.

You thought that you would marry him some day,
But this time God wanted to get his way.
You wanted things back how they were before,
But you knew this couldn't happen any more.

It was a Saturday night about ten o'clock,
You heard the news and it wasn't a shock.
You knew this was going to happen soon,
As you laid there and cried in the pale lit moon.


A short walk is so difficult,
when no one walks with you.
But a long journey is just like few steps
when you walk with someone
who loves and cares for you.

We always look and care for the person
whom we love the most.
But we fail to look back at those
who love us the most.

Death’s not the greatest loss in life..
The greatest loss is when
relationships die inside us while
we are still alive...

Life is not about the people
who act true on your face..
Its about the people who
remain true behind your back..

Time decides whom you meet in life…
Your heart decides whom you want in life..
but your behavious decides
who will stay in your life...

You can win life by all means..
If you simply avoid two things...
1. Comparing - with others
2. Expecting - from other
Life will be more beautiful!!


Can you put a price on being nice? The chances are you already have. When you go to a restaurant, do you sometimes tip a little bit more if the serving staff were extra nice/professional/helpful? When you shop somewhere and the assistants are nice (not pushy) and give good advice, you go back next time, right?
Although you cant always equate these experiences to exact amounts, it is easy to see the value in being nice.
Of course, sitting herein frontof my computer it is easy to say these things, and reading them you may well agree, but out in the real world, when we are running at a million miles an hour, it is not always quite so obvious.

Weve all been there, trying to do 5 things at once, only to get an email or take a phone-call from a customer (or potential customer) with a question. Thats when we need to remember the value of being nice.
In actual fact, the value of being nice far outstrips the cost of being nice. If you go out of your way to be helpful the customer will remember it. Whether you reap the benefit of this now or later, either way it will be remembered.
Let me add a small story. This is a true story. In 1998, I (Sherrie Holland)was working at Johns Hopkins as an Administrative Manager. I left my office to go to the ladies room and found one of our medical residents sobbing. I sat and talked with her for a while and tried to give her encouragement.

The next morning, she arrived at my office with a little box of Godiva chocolates and a very heartwarming note, thanking me and telling me how much my pep talk had helped her and that she knew shed be fine now.
I sat at my computer and wrote the following, and after printing in a large font, taped it to my wall as a reminder:
It costs nothing to be nice. But the dividends are priceless.

The same can be applied if you are not so helpful, always remember that.
The actual cost of being helpful is zero, or close to it. If you can greet every request, every phonecall and every email in the same positive manner it really does not cost you anything, but the rewards can be immense!
So next time the phone rings or you hear the chime of a new mail arriving, remember the value of being nice, its worth it, I promise!


10. Flirting is all about attitude. A good flirt is self-confident and not afraid to take risks. Be enthusiastic, open and positive. It works!

9. Start a conversation. The best opening line is saying hello. Talk about the surroundings, ask a question, ask for help, make a joke, state an opinion. Make sure you are calm and composed but just do it before the person you've got your eye on walks out of the bar or passed you in the street, never to be seen again!

8. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your vulnerability.

7. Use props. Never leave home without a prop. Props are natural conversation starters. They encourage conversation and others will be compelled to start talking to you. Great props include: dogs, kids, unusual jewelry, a fabulous scent, a distinctive bag from your favorite store or an interesting book or newspaper.

6. Be the host. Change your behavior from the role of guest to host. You are not the passive person in waiting, but rather the welcome committee.

5. Make the first move. Move closer to the person you want to meet. Say hello! You can move closer to your perfect match online right now by contacting your perfect match for free.

4. Listen. You have two ears and one mouth because you should listen twice as much as you speak. Listening is a true art. Your flirting partner will be drawn to you. Everyone loves to be heard.

3. Eye contact. Make eye contact, but please look your partner in the eye gently (no more than 2-4 seconds) and then glance away. Don't stare – it's a turn off.

2. Compliment. Compliment your flirting partner. The best compliments have the element of surprise. The "flirtee" will know that you really noticed them. Remember, your compliments must be honest, sincere and genuine. When you receive a compliment the best response is merely to say Thank You!

1. Smile. It is contagious. It will make you so much more approachable. A smile lights up your face and draws people to you. You will be a people magnet. Try it!


We all love children. Their wide eyed innocence touches us and we find their prattle cute and appealing. Their need for care instantly evokes a parental instinct within us and we rush to protect them.
This article is not about children though it may as well be for the two are very similar in their needs and requirements.
I would like to talk about our old amongst us. Wizened people with years of experience but carrying a frailty with them that requires tender loving care. Their ability to bear pain reduced, their mental and physical faculties diminished, they are as much in need of care as babies are.

Remember how you held your younger ones’ hand as they struggled to learn to walk; well, don’t forget when it is time to hold an elder’s hand as he or she hobble unsteadily with their canes. Don’t forget when it is time to lend them a hand to carry things that are heavier than they can manage. Don’t forget to regale them with anecdotes and stories of daily living just as you tell bedtime stories to your kids. Don’t forget to joke and laugh with them. Don’t forget to rub their feet with balm when they hurt; remember the salve you applied to your children’s hurts? Most of all don’t forget to be gentle with them. Gentleness and patience is all they need, just like little children.

What the old most need is someone to talk to, someone to listen to, some companionship, somebody to give them a hug, somebody to help them carry out their daily chores as need be. Help them cross the road safely, give them your seat in the bus or train, allow them to take your place in the checkout line at the supermarket, slow down your car when you see them crossing the road ahead.
Excuse them if they are sloppy at the dinner table – you thought your child dribbling food was cute, didn’t you? They may not remember things as clearly as when they were younger; help them find their glasses even if they be seated atop their own head. Speak up so they may hear, hold them if they shed a tear. Find time to sit with them amidst your daily rush. What the elderly most dread is loneliness; an emptiness that seems to swallow them. Make time for them.

From today go and check up on your grandparents and your elderly neighbour. Think about how you may contribute to an old age home. Make the aged in and around your life as comfortable as possible. It is all about care. You could brighten up their day just by being there for them. Let us actively add a warm glow to their sunset years. While aging is inevitable, growing old can be an easier process if we make it to be.
Toothless smiles speak the same language as pearly ones. Even if the vision may have diminished, twinkling eyes say the same things always. Let our warmth and care add joyful glee to our aged just as they bring joyful gurgles from our young. Let wrinkles and twinkles mean the same thing.



Cramps can be defined as an unpleasant and painful sensation of the muscles.

They are normally caused by overexertion of the muscles, causing them to contract and shorten painfully.

Cramps can also be triggered by the cold weather. Other causes of cramps could be food poisoning or illness.

If you suffer from cramps all of a sudden, there are the home remedies that can give you relief readily available

from your kitchen counter.

Home Remedies For Cramps

Home Remedies for Cramps with Hot beverage:
If you get the cramps, try to sit and relax for a while.
Then drink some hot water with ginger in it. You can also take a hot cup of tea or coffee if
you find water with ginger not pleasant to your taste buds.

Treat Cramps with Pickle Juice:
Cramps can be very painful. To counter the pain, ask somebody to get you the pickle jar from the fridge.
Drain its juice and drink it. You should drink at least a cup of pickle juice for the cramps to disappear fast.

Natural Treatments for Cramps with Hot compress:
If these juices and beverages are nowhere in sight for some reason, just get the heating pad and put it on the affected part.
You can also use a hot compress or any water bottle filled with very hot water.
Place it exactly on the painful area and just leave it there until the pain subsides.

Natural Remedies for Cramps with Peppermint candies or lollipops:
You might look like a child asking for some treats with these home remedies for cramps. But they really work so give it a try.
Find yourself some lollipops and peppermint from the candy jar. Finish it up and your cramps should go right after.

Remedies for Cramps with Massage:
No other remedy would be best for cramps other than a good massage.
However, you have to remember this rule of thumb when massaging muscles to relieve cramps:
rub the muscles that are the exact opposite of the affected area.
For example, if the cramped muscle is the lower thigh, massage the upper thigh muscle
to achieve the desired results.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article.
Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Never use any home remedy or other self treatment without being advised to do so by a physician.



Low blood pressure or hypotension refers to the fall in blood pressure below normal. It is a condition in which the action of the heart, in forcing the blood through the arteries, is weak. This is a direct outcome of a weakened and devitalised system.

Low blood pressure symptoms

Lethargy, weakness, dizziness
The patient with chronic low blood pressure may complain of lethargy, weakness, fatigue, and dizziness. The patient may faint, especially if arterial pressure is lowered further when he assumes an erect position. These symptoms are presumably due to a decrease in perfusion of blood to the brain, heart, skeletal muscle, and other organs.

Low blood pressure causes

Faulty nutrition, Malnutrition
The most important cause of low blood pressure is faulty nutrition. It makes the tissues forming the walls of the blood vessels over-relaxed, and flabby or streched. This results in less supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Malnutrition can result from a diet deficient in calories, proteins, vitamin C, or almost any one of the B vitamins.
Loss of blood, slow internal bleeding
Sometimes the blood pressure falls rapidly because of loss of blood. Low blood pressure may also develop gradually because of slow bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, or bladder.
Emotional instability
Emotional problems are a far more frequent cause of low blood pressure. To a lesser degree, prolonged disappointment and frustration may result in a subnormal blood pressure.

Low blood pressure home remedies

Low Blood Pressure treatment using Beetroot
The juice of raw beetroot is one of the most effective home remedies for low blood pressure. The patient should drink a cup of this juice twice daily for treating this condition Considerable improvement will be noticeable within a week.
Low Blood Pressure treatment using Indian Spikenard
The herb Indian spikenard is another effective home remedy for low blood pressure. It should be taken in doses of thirty to forty grains with a pinch of a little camphor and cinnamon (dalchini). An infusion can also be prepared by steeping 15 to 20 gm of the herb in 250 ml of boiling water, and taking it thrice a day.
Low Blood Pressure treatment using Epsom Salts Bath
Hot Epsom salt bath are one of the simplest remedy for low blood pressure. An Epsom salt bath is prepared by dissolving one to one and half kg of commercial Epsom Salt in an ordinary bath of hot water. The patient should remain immersed in the bath for ten to twenty minutes. This bath should be taken just before retiring to bed, and care should be exercised not to catch a chill afterwards.
Low Blood Pressure treatment using Nutrients
Protein, vitamin C, and all vitamins of the B group have been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of low blood pressure. Of these, pantothenic acid is of particular importance. Liberal use of this vitamin alone often helps in raising the blood pressure. A diet which contains adequate quantities of complete proteins, B vitamin and, particularly, the nutrients that stimulate adrenal production, quickly normalizes low blood pressure.
Low Blood Pressure treatment using Salt
The use of salt is valuable in low blood pressure. Until the blood pressure reaches normal levels through proper dietary and other remedies, it is essential that the patient should take salty foods and half a teaspoon of salt in water daily.
Low blood pressure diet

Exclusive fruit diet
The treatment for low blood pressure should aim at rejuvenation of the whole system. To begin with, the patient should adopt an exclusive fresh fruit diet for about five days, taking three meals a day of fresh fruity fruits at five-hourly intervals.
Milk and fruit diet
Thereafter he may adopt a fruit and milk diet for two or three weeks. After the fruit and milk diet the patient may gradually embark upon a well balanced diets consisting of seeds nuts and grains with emphasis on fresh fruit and raw vegetables. Further period of all fruit diet followed by a milk and fruit diet may be necessary every two or three months in some cases, depending on the progress being made.

Other Low blood pressure treatment

Warm-Water enema treatment
A warm-water enema should be used daily to cleanse the bowels during the first few days of the treatment, and afterwards, if necessary. Those who are habitually constipated should take all the possible steps for its eradication. Daily dry friction and sponging should be undertaken by those suffering from low blood pressure.
Light walking, cycling, swimming and Breathing exercises
They should undertake breathing and other light exercises like walking , swimming and cycling. The patient should take sun and air baths and spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.
Avoid excessive work, anxiety
All living habits which tend to enervate the system, such as overwork, excesses of all kinds, needless worry, and negative thinking must be eliminated as far as possible.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

To charge your brain

Have you ever felt exasperated when you bumped into someone at thestore but absolutely couldn't remember their name? Sure, it happens to all ofus.

Despite being the strongest computer on the planet, our brains dolapse. It's hard to blame them really. As humans, we spend much of or existencestuffing our brains withstuff. Some stuffis worthless, some of it's meaningful, some of it, well, it's just stuff andthere is an endless amount of it.

No matter how powerful our brainsare, they need recuperation time, to be kept in shape, and even an occasionalcharge. Think of it as a tune up for your brain. Skipping brain maintenance isas silly as the person wandering the parking garage because they forgot wherethey parked. Is that you? Are you that person? Sure. We all are at some point.No worries, there is hope.

Now I am not a brain surgeon and I am notgoing to suggest you do anything surgical or dangerous. I am however an astutestudent of human behavior, so I always look for simple ways to super charge mybrain.

Here are some things you can begin doing as soon as today to beginthe great brain tune up.

Almond is believed to improve memory. If a combinationof almond oil and milk is taken together before going to bed or after gettingup at morning, it strengthens our memory power. Almond milk is preparedby crushing the almonds without the outer cover and adding water and sugar toit.

Drink AppleJuice
Research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML)indicates that apple juice increases the production of the essentialneurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain, resulting in an increased memorypower.

Research indicates that the long-term memory is consolidatedduring sleep by replaying the images of the experiences of the day. Theserepeated playbacks program the subconscious mind to store these images andother related information.

Enjoy simplePleasures
Stress drains our brainpower. A stress-ridden mindconsumes much of our memory resources to leave us with a feeble mind. Make ahabit to engage yourself in few simple pleasures everyday to dissolve stressfrom your mind. Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, bodyand soul.

Enjoy music you love
Play with your children
Hug a stranger
Appreciate others
Run few miles a day, bike or swim
Start a blogTake a yoga class or Total wellness routine

Fast for aday
Fasting cleans and detoxifies our body. It is known fact thatheavy food not only causes stress on our digestive system but also drains ourbrainpower. Fasting relieves toxic emotions such as anger, grief, worry, andfears - before they accumulate and cause disease. By cleansing toxic emotions,fasting strengthens metal clarity with increases memory, concentration,creativity and insight.
Exerciseyour mind
Just as physical exercise is essential for a strong body,mental exercise is equally essential for a sharp and agile mind. Have younoticed that children have far superior brainpower than an adult does?Children have playful minds. A playful mind exhibits superior memory power.Engage in some of the activities that require your mind to remain active andplayful.

Play scrabble or crossword puzzle
Interact with others
Start a new hobby such as blogging, reading, painting, bird watching
Learn new skill or a language

PracticeYoga or Meditation
Yoga or Meditation relives stress.Stress is a known memory buster. With less stress, lower blood pressure,slower respiration, slower metabolism, and released muscle tension follows.All of these factors contribute significantly towards increases in ourbrainpower.

Reduce Sugarintake

Sugar is a non-food. It’s a form of carbohydrate thatoffers illusionary energy, only to cause a downhill slump once the initialburst has been worn off. Excess intake of sugar results in neurotic symptoms.Excess sugar is known to cause claustrophobia, memory loss and other neuroticdisorders. Eat food without adding sugar. Stay away from sweet drinks orexcess consumption of caffeine with sugar.

Eat wholewheat

The whole wheat germs contain lecithin. Lecithin helps easethe problem of the hardening of the arteries, which often impairs brainfunctioning.

Eat a lightmeal in the night
A heavy meal at night causes tossing and turningand a prolonged emotional stress while at sleep. It’s wise to eat heavy mealduring the day when our body is in motion to consume the heavy in-take. Eatinga light meal with some fruits allows us to sleep well. A good night sleepstrengthens our brainpower.
Greeks mastered the principle of imagination andassociation to memorize everything. This technique requires one to develop avivid and colorful imagination that can be linked to a known object. If youinvolve all your senses - touching, feeling, smelling, hearing and seeing inthe imagination process, you can remember greater details of the event.
Oursexual imagination often empowers our ability to daydream, which strengthensour brainpower with greater imagination, visualization andassociation.

Control yourtemper
Bleached food, excess of starch or excess of white bread canlead to nerve grating effect. This results in a violent and some timedepressive behavior. Eat fresh vegetables. Drink lots of water and meditate orpractice yoga to relieve these toxic xemotions of temper and violent moodswings.
vTake VitaminB-complex[/b]
Vitamin B-complex strengthens memory power. Eat food andvegetables high in Vitamin B-complex. Stay away from the starch food or whitebread, which depletes the Vitamin B-complex necessary for a healthymind.

why smart people dumb

We've all been there. We're in a tough situation, the pressure's on, others are looking to
us to come through. We want to be at our best, and...we freeze. Or even worse, we do or
say something completely dumb.

Afterwards, we say: "What was I thinking." Well the truth is, you weren't thinking. In the
heat of the moment, just when you needed to be at your best, your brain received
messages to shut down your higher thinking centers. The scientific name for this is
"cortical inhibition." Others call it being stupid...Choking...Losing it...

Stress can actually cause our higher thinking centers to turn off. When that happens,
smart people can do some pretty dumb things.

But it doesn't have to happen to you. You can learn ways to stay at your best and think
clearly in any situation. You can take control of your response to stress.

The folks at the Institute of HeartMath teach a lot of effective techniques to give you
that control. One I can tell you about right now is called Quick Coherence.

There are three simple steps.

First, focus your attention around the area of your heart. When you're first practicing,
you might want to place you had over your heart to help.

Next, imagine breathing in and out through your heart.

Finally, recall a person, place or thing that you feel true care or appreciation for and
attempt to re-experience those emotions. Don't just remember them, try to feel them.
Positive emotion will send that "all clear" signal.

That's it. That may seem simple and it is. But don't underestimate the power of what
I've just told you.

Those that understand this technique and others like it remain level-headed and clear-
witted — no matter what's going on around them. They're the ones that come up with
answers that seem obvious once they point them out, but nobody could see before.

They perform at a high level while others flounder.

Would you like to join the ranks of these high performers? Learn to control the messages
your heart sends your brain and you can.

Love and kindness are never wasted

Love and kindness are never wasted

"Love and kindness are never wasted.
They always make a difference.
They bless the one who receives them,
and they bless you, the giver."

"When you arise in the morning,think of what a
precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe,
to think, to enjoy, to love...."

A coincidence is a small miracle where
God prefers to remain anonymous.

Don't ever say that you don't have enough time.
You have exactly the same number of hours in a day
That were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur,
Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci,
Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.
Make best use of all the time you have.
Once lost, you will never get it again...

If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday
and the worries of tomorrow,
You have no today to be thankful for.

Have a heart that never hardens,
A temper that never tires,
And a touch that never hurts.

Pain nourishes courage.
You can't be brave if you've only had
wonderful things happen to you.

Take the first step in faith.
You don't have to see the whole staircase,
Just take the first step.

It is only with the heart that one can see clearly,
for the most essential things are invisible to the eye.