Sunday, September 16, 2012


She walked as if she owned the world, Her head held high with, Pride written all over her face. She did not stumble nor falter in her gait, Lording over all that she gazed. In her you will find everything, From scars to unhealed wounds Her life's battles bring. She laughed and cried But lived,always ready to fight. Her life like a rollercoaster ride, Her pain often comes like a hurricane. She faced it all unafraid Even if she might fail. She knew what her life could have become, Regret tortured her mind Leaving her unstrung. But never early never late, God brought her out of her Otherwise doomed fate. Pride brought her to her knees, Heartbroken, she looked up to see. All that she had burned to ashes, Tears weld up wetting her eyelashes. Hopes and dreams dashed to the ground, She did not want to be around. Stark reality staring at her face She realised all she had been was just a waste. Shattered, she bowed down begging for mercy, From the One who always loved her so dearly. She had never given Him the time of day Lost for words she did'nt know what to say. But He knew, and looking at her face He lifted her up with His amazing grace. Hope bubbled again, in her heart reigned A knowledge that He will never allow, Her life to go in vain. She stood up with strength renewed Vowing to always give him his due. She will not leave, in her heart she knew Till His purpose in her life is fulfilled.


To all my friends far and near.. If I have lost many things in my life, I have friends who still make it bright. If my mood is bad, You are there to make me glad. If i'm depressed, You are there to lighten the stress. If i'm feeling low You are there to bring back the glow. When i'm feeling weak You are there to help me stand on my feet. When I feel like giving up You're there encouraging me lifting me up. When I face an obstacle You're there helping me climb over the hurdles. If i'm in need, you're there; My friends indeed. Thank you for all your good wishes and prayers, For being there in every stormy weather, For helping me in every strife, For opening my eyes when i'm not doing right; For just being there When my world is not bright. Thank you for caring and Bearing with me inspite of everything. You are indeed a blessing! May God be with you always His love shining through all your days. Blessings abundant His grace and mercy In your life constant. God bless you now and always.


You brought me into this world 65 years ago, I crawled, stood, walked and ran, my face a glow, From that time to this day I've been around, Thank you Lord for strength to stand my ground. I have laughed and cried, Been happy and light, Depressed and low but, Always raring to go. Today is a new beginning, The year ahead the start Of a new innings. Lord to you is my thanksgiving For walking with me on roads, no silver tarring. Through pain and strife, Through storms and high tide I walked knowing you're always beside. Your love filled my empty heart, Your wisdom gave me a headstart. Your mercy flooded my life Your strength helped me overcome the strife. Your grace exceedingly great Overwhelms my soul, Faith and hope forever I hold.


I don't go chasing my dreams, I just want to achieve my aims. I don't want to run after money lest it make me greedy. I don't want to be a saint, lest it make me vain. I don't want to preach but I want to lead. I don't want to be weak but I want to be meek. I don't like poverty but I can't pull it out like weed.i don't want to be filthy rich but comfortably live. I don't want to hate lest it consumes my faith. I don't want to steal lest my fate is sealed. I want to retain my identity but swim in a sea of humanity. I want to right a wrong but not by using brawn. I want to live kingsize but not tread on someone's rights. I want to be gentle but certainly not feeble. I want to be strong but not by doing wrong. I want to love and be loved but not to stray and betray. I want to remain true but not regret and rue. I want to be accepted not hated and rejected. I wish everyone good and me to be understood. I want to bless and not be a stress. I want to smile and make others delight. I want peace like a gentle blowing breeze to spread happiness amidst people depressed. These are my thoughts deep inside me wrought.


I don't go chasing my dreams, I just want to achieve my aims. I don't want to run after money lest it make me greedy. I don't want to be a saint, lest it make me vain. I don't want to preach but I want to lead. I don't want to be weak but I want to be meek. I don't like poverty but I can't pull it out like weed.i don't want to be filthy rich but comfortably live. I don't want to hate lest it consumes my faith. I don't want to steal lest my fate is sealed. I want to retain my identity but swim in a sea of humanity. I want to right a wrong but not by using brawn. I want to live kingsize but not tread on someone's rights. I want to be gentle but certainly not feeble. I want to be strong but not by doing wrong. I want to love and be loved but not to stray and betray. I want to remain true but not regret and rue. I want to be accepted not hated and rejected. I wish everyone good and me to be understood. I want to bless and not be a stress. I want to smile and make others delight. I want peace like a gentle blowing breeze to spread happiness amidst people depressed. These are my thoughts deep inside me wrought.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Walking Meditation as a Modern Way to a Healthier Life Meditation has always been associated with solitude, tranquility, and physical inactivity. When one talks of meditation, you may usually come up with a scenario in which a person finds a secluded area, closes his eyes in silence, and rests his body while working his mind out. Does meditation always have to be like this? Meditation is an art. A method. A skill. A process. It is the art of keeping in touch with yourself, of discovering your entirety and the many facets of your being. It is also a skill that must be developed. It requires discipline and right mindset. You cannot simply think that you will meditate and expect to achieve a result right after. This requires the tuning of one's consciousness. Meditation typically involves a set of procedures and guidelines to be followed. Typically, the success of the activity will depend on the adherence to the given principles and rules. One interesting form of meditation that deviates from the old and traditional concept is walking meditation. Walking meditation is a lot different from other forms of meditation known to many. For one, you will not have to be physically inactive just to do it. In fact, you need to move and be active – you need to walk! You have to actively engage your mind and your body in this activity in order to experience a holistic positive result. This brings another benefit. Since walking is a daily activity, you can actually grow by meditation everyday! You also will not have to find a secluded place just so you can meditate. Anywhere will do. Actually, a noisy and crowded place is even encouraged. Here is where the challenge lies. Concentration is important and awareness must be focused. You must not allow the outer world to bind your mind into it – by the things that you see, hear, or whatever you perceive. You may be aware of them, but you must guard not to do anything about them. Do not cling to anything. The guiding principle behind walking meditation is achieving a balanced awareness, equilibrium, between your inner self and the outer world surrounding you. This meditation will invite you to feel your entire body, all the workings of the parts that make you up, being aware how each of your body parts operates. While doing this, you also have to notice your emotion and your mood. These are all done while you walk. The outside world need not be lost in your focus. There will always be stuffs that will catch your attention as you meditate, and you are not to resist. You are not to hang on to these, though. You have to let them pass by, observing them without doing anything at all. This is the real sense of awareness. The ideal result of walking meditation is the person's consciousness of the outside world while being completely aware of his inner self. When this is achieved, many of the puzzles and complexities of life will become clearer and simpler. By bridging the gap between what is within and what is out of yourself, you can take full control of your life and enjoy a healthier and a more satisfied lifestyle.